Wait Time Technique in an ESL Classroom


Have you ever asked your students a question but they didn't respond? What did you do? Did you give them a chance? Or you just jump to the next step? Today, I want to introduce an essential technique   that I think every teacher should know. It is the wait time technique. This technique can help teachers to promote more communicative and active learning atmosphere. 

• What is Wait Time Technique? 

Wait time technique is a short period of silence by the teacher after asking the students to do something. This short time allows the students to think before they respond. In fact, When asking a question, checking answers or showing a picture,  the students need to process the new information, to reflect on what has been said, observed or done , and to consider what their personal responses will be.

• Why is it important? 

Wait Time technique can result in many benefits in the classroom for both the students and the teacher such as: 
-  long and correct responses. 
- the number of their " I don't know " decreases.
- instead of one or two as , large number of students can participate.
- the teachers can improve their questioning strategies.
- teachers can decrease the quantity and increase the quality and variety of their questions.
- teachers can ask additional questions that require more complex information processing and high level thinking on the part of students.

In brief, make it simple, slow down and have fun.

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